Our Neighborhood in India

Mana eva manusyanam karanam bandha moksayoho (As the mind, so the person; bondage or liberation is in your own mind). The Rasjathan town of Nagaur lies about midway between the bustling cities of Jogphur and Bikaner. Therefore it is not too far from Shri Jasnath Asan, the yoga center I am now at in a 16th … Continue reading Our Neighborhood in India

The Colors of Rajasthan!

"Where are you in India?" I'm asked. Well, right now I'm sitting on a camel named Shanti. Shanti and I are gently bouncing through the soft sand of the Thar Desert (also known as the "Great Indian Desert"), a section in northwest India which serves as the boundary from Pakistan. The Thar Desert takes up … Continue reading The Colors of Rajasthan!